Integrated Thoughts

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Integrated Thoughts

Customer Service


Whether you read an Accenture survey or a J.D. Power study, financial institutions’ customers expect good customer service; in fact, it is the number one reason customers switch financial institutions. What is good customer service?..

Customer Service2019-06-11T12:35:47+02:00

Anti-Money Laundering and its Impact on your Country and Region


Considering RiskCALM's understanding, determined by listening to our customers express how costly in money and manpower complying with the AML regulation is, it became evident to us that assisting our financial institutions was a necessity...

Anti-Money Laundering and its Impact on your Country and Region2019-05-03T13:23:11+02:00

Just Imagine


Imagine your financial institution had automated lending and account opening with automatically enforced and audited policies that your organization could modify whenever policies changed...

Just Imagine2019-05-02T16:21:26+02:00
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