About RiskCALM

RiskCALM, known for its innovative technology in the lending, marketing and credit risk management requirements of financial institutions, is now leading the way for financial institutions, businesses and consumers to monetize social networks.

Our solutions include a methodology and web platform that unites customer’s buying cycles, both consumer and commercial, through communications, cross-sales, and promotions represented by our product lines.


The cloud service is in Brazil and the data is maintained at that location.

No. The system does not restrict the amount of data, communications, customers or internal users. We do have a purge mechanism that keeps the client information but backs up and then purges closed files.

Cost is based on asset size and is an enterprise wide annual subscription.

90 to 120 days, if everyone stays on schedule.

We keep it very easy; we use .CSV files from your core.

Yes, RiskCALM4 is already integrated to a number of core systems and is always willing to take on integrated to a new core system.

Yes.  The conditions for an alert are pre-defined actions, that when they occur an alert is generated to the appropriate people.

Yes, RiskCALM4 supports the ability to electronically route applications via work management queues.

Yes, RiskCALM4 provides customer facing, online applications for both loans and deposits. The completed applications are automatically submitted to a work management queue in the loan origination/deposit account opening modules of RiskCALM4.
Yes, RiskCALM4 provides an ad-hoc report writing tool that may be used to create your own custom reports.

Yes, RiskCALM4’s credit risk models meet the requirements of the standard including being forward looking, non-subjective and developed specifically based on the financial institutions products and customers.

The risk engine used to create the credit risk models specific to each financial institution is certified by the IASB Board which is the organization that developed the IFRS 9 regulation.

Yes, the management of these regulations is integrated into the loan and deposit business processes.

Yes, RiskCALM4 can accommodate country specific watchlists.
Yes, assuming that the FIU has registered to use RiskCALM4 both the data and the completed form can be transmitted to the FIU.