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Thought Leadership

As an outsider, I became interested in the region when we had our first project in St. Lucia. I noticed then that people were excited about growth through technology. There was a sense of accomplishment, a sense of elevating. In the Caribbean, I see new leaders in the senior positions of financial institutions, either operationally or through their Boards, that have a desire for their communities, countries and peoples, to elevate the Region.

I have spent a great deal of time writing and comunicating the uniqueness of our RiskCALM4 Solution, its value and return on investment. The normal things communicated when trying to justify and sell your product or service. Then I realized, this is bigger than that, this is about the region, the countries and the people. It is the Social Return On Investment, the SROI!

Yes, this is about elevation, elevating the Caribbean’s financial institutions and through them, its people. Because through the financial institutions there are services that can be offered that benefit its peoples and in doing so, the Region!

Services that assist:

  • In their individual financial planning for the future.
  • Facilitating ecommerce, for big business, for individuals and small business.
  • An online environment that a financial institution can offer extraordinary products and services.
  • In creating opportunities for ecommerce.

The financial institutions have the leadership, the desire and now the opportunity.

  • First, it’s about the financial institutions elevating their capabilities, to be recognized in the Global market as partners in thought leadership.
    • Automating and elevating their business processes, lending and deposits, online or in branch.
    • Automating and elevating their risk programs to include the best in predictive analytics and risk-based programs.
    • Elevating their online presence to attract younger people with services few can offer.
    • Offering services to assist in financial planning, purchasing and business, helping people to elevate.
  • Second, having the leaders lead their institutions in expanding their reach through their thought leadership:
    • Creating new revenue streams by creating ecommerce.
      • Grouping businesses to facilitate “buying cycles”
      • Having their institution utilize their assets to multiply their market presence and thus elevating their importance.
      • Creating a remittance process to transact business locally or anywhere in the world
    • Promoting ecommerce through opportunity portals.
  • Lastly, embrace the leadership by engulfing ecommerce as the phenomenon of your dominance.
    • Managing buying cycles creates opportunities for loans.
    • Even creating more lending opportunities than your ratios can handle will actually create more revenue opportunities in other areas.
    • Assisting the people in their quests develops more opportunities for them and good will for you.

To the thought leaders of the Caribbean, this technology can facilitate all of these goals but only you can make it happen for the people and only you can lead the region into relevancy. I can show you the ROI on the acquisition of this solution, RiskCALM4, to be less than 1 year, but someone who cares about the region, who feels the excitement of the people, the countries, the region, being a dominant force in the world marketplace, can make it happen and deliver the Social Return On Investment, SROI.


If all the benefits are yours,

  • More services for your customers/members
  • More efficiencies
  • Reduced cost
  • Online presence
  • Automated regulatory compliance
  • Expanded marketspace
  • New income streams
  • eCommerce dominance
  • Global recognition of technology and business thought leadership
  • Data management
  • Predictive analytics
  • More income

And your ROI is less than a quarter and your SROI is evolutionary, can you say no to improving your community, promoting your region, benefiting your customers/members, leading the world in financial institution technology?

We’re looking to be your partner; let’s grow…The Future is Now!

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