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Customer Service

Whether you read an Accenture survey or a J.D. Power study, financial institutions’ customers expect good customer service; in fact, it is the number one reason customers switch financial institutions.  What is good customer service?  Good customer services begin with a change in how a company thinks, and how you think will eventually be what you say and do.  The authenticity of your service will be manifested through your communications.  Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of Amazon, defines his company’s philosophical thought, “We’re not competitor obsessed, we’re customer obsessed.  We start with what the customer needs, and we work backwards.”  Customer service is always seen through the lens of an organization’s mindset, so good service begins with considering what are your customers’ needs and being obsessed that you answer them.  This level of caring is as important as the answers you give to a customer.  “Your customers don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Well said by Damon Richards, an entrepreneur and expert in customer service and promoting customer care.

Financial institutions need to offer this type of genuine customer service in order to earn customer loyalty and trust.  Consistency does not come from a set of rules, it comes from who you are – the more you think that way, the more you will be that way. Great customer service evolves over a period of time, but eventually it mirrors the organization’s values and thought processes. Its personnel will portray the authenticity of its service through the concern it has for the customers and the actions it takes.

RiskCALM is always striving to give you, our customers, the help you need, the answers you are looking for, and the tools needed to assist your customers in getting the answers they want from your organization.  If your customers deserve to benefit from your services and products, then their expectations must be met:

  • Readily available financial advice: Having tools that allow your customers to be in touch with answers concerning their financial issues. A customer struggling with cashflow may want an idea concerning reducing outgoing cash obligations monthly. RiskCALM4’s ALFA a digital touchpoint that can assist at any time, night or day.
  • Services available 24/7: Whether originating a loan, or an account opening or solutions to personal financial issues, or where to get the best discounts on personal or business purchases, or selling your vehicle online, etc., RiskCALM4 makes them all available 24/7.
  • Staff having consistent answers to policies: All business process policies are available online to support staff, at any time, through any channel, utilizing RiskCALM4’s policy management capability, whether in-branch, online, or call center.
  • Differentiation of commercial services: How many financial organizations can offer time of sale advertising to their business customers and afford their customers access to financing online from their website?  RiskCALM4 does!
  • Personalized services in this online world: Through tools like ALFA and eTuitive, knowing the lifecycle stage or financial problem your customer is experiencing, RiskCALM4   keeps you involved with your customers!
  • Dynamic pricing and fee considerations: Knowing the value of your customer at the time of lending or account opening will allow you to make pricing and fee considerations based on automated policies and eTuitive. RiskCALM4!
  • Proactive measures, before or after a problem arises: The ability to monitor for problem indicators can assist in helping a customer before disaster occurs. RiskCALM4!
  • When you introduce new financial products: Let customers know about them and offer existing clients specials deals and rates to bring in new business. Through RiskCALM4’s banner advertising and secure two-way communication, the word will get out!
  • Reaching out to your community: Consider offering your business clients the ability to advertise online to your customer base, offering a promotion to them while they are considering a purchase. Also to being able to offer their customers financing, if needed, from their own website!  All automatically!  Helping your community, reaching goals by reaching out! RiskCALM4!

Customer service, it’s all about caring and sharing!

Next: “Creating and Monetizing Assets”…RiskCALM!

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