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Just Imagine

Imagine your financial institution had automated lending and account opening with automatically enforced and audited policies that your organization could modify whenever policies changed.

Imagine you could identify credit risk immediately, at the time of originating a loan.

Imagine you could identify the provisioning amount on each loan before the loan was approved.

Imagine you could manage your risk based AML, CTF, KYC and FATCA regulations and report any suspicious activity or transactions automatically to the FIU.

Imagine the FIU could automatically alert your organization of suspicious activity in your area.

Imagine your organization and the FIU could collaborate on policies to ensure the value of the reporting by your organization.

Imagine you could benefit from all the data on AML throughout the Region, enabling better analytics that may be capable of automatically determining the risk of a particular account.

Imagine the integrated risk management throughout your business processes of lending and account opening enabled your organization to have a more dynamic online presence.

Imagine the dynamic digital presence allowed you to open new markets automatically by creating networks of buying cycles for your customers, increasing business.

Imagine you could also monetize your website traffic.

Imagine your organization developed a new revenue stream which also helped your community.

Imagine you were part of a team that was elevating the Region and having the world looking to the Region for future direction.

Imagine your partners in the Region also included this solution provider.

Imagine you had a partner like RiskCALM, working with you to make all this a reality.

Imagine it only took a request to see the solution and a proposal to make the future start now.

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