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Online Digital Innovation with RiskCALM4

The previous whitepaper dealt with the need to integrate risk management throughout your business processes for lending and deposit account openings. The idea of online digital innovation begins with lending and account opening interactive risk management. The Internet is a tool, dynamic, complex, with tremendous capabilities, limited only by the level of automation to respond quickly. Without the ability to comply with IFRS 9 and AML-CFT, KYC, throughout these business processes quickly, any online digital innovation would be like using a Ferrari to go four-wheeling. While most see financial institutions’ regulatory requirements as inevitably causing a response delay online or in branch operations, RiskCALM4 sees it as an opportunity by solving the time delay in answering a customers’ request, both online and in branch operations.

Digital Innovation

RiskCALM4 has incorporated digital innovation within the solution, creating a valuable tool for financial institutions. Setting the performance standard and propelling financial institutions through the digital innovation doorway is like putting that Ferrari where it belongs, on the Internet highway to success.

That success is now with RiskCALM4, its digital solutions will allow your organization to be a digital leader now, before a reported 62% of global banks hope to be by 2020.

A recent survey by EY in their Global Banking Outlook 2018:

“Responses reveal that few banks currently consider themselves as either mature or a digital leader; however, …62% of global banks expect to be digitally mature in 2020, compared with just 19% in 2018.”

Utilizing RiskCALM4 solutions your financial institution can offer services, such as:

  • Intelligent digital touchpoints that automate
  • Cross-selling products and services that fulfill customer’s needs
  • Self-service financial life cycle analysis, with solutions
  • Buying cycle assistance: B2B, B2C, C2C
  • Reward opportunities
  • Insurance opportunities
  • Loan product offerings that fulfill customer concerns
  • And more…

With these capabilities you can see how RiskCALM4 can answer consumer requirements based on a survey by CGI:

According to CGI Bank Consumer Survey, 81% of consumers want their financial institution to reward them for being their customer. Also, 61% of consumers would appreciate a more personal approach to their business relationship with their financial institution. These customers would likely move their accounts to an institution that fulfilled these requirements.


A personal approach from their financial institution and rewards? RiskCALM4 offers that and more! Simultaneously, creating increased revenue, new revenue streams while monetizing hidden assets. A Ferrari that pays for itself!

Let’s talk!

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